In 1827 and the two following years, Cunningham prosecuted instructive explorations on both sides of the Liverpool range, between the upper waters of the Hunter and those of the Peel and other tributaries of the Brisbane north of New South Wales.
See Horace Walpole, Letters, edited by P. Cunningham (9 vols., London, 1857), many of the letters being addressed to Conway; Memoirs of the Last Ten Years of the Reign of George II.
Cunningham that in Buccinum the egg-capsules are formed by this pedal gland and not by any accessory organ of the generative system.
The process has gone on till now nothing is left except what General Cunningham found and rescued and carried off to Calcutta.
A curious form (Stichocotyle) described in an immature condition by Cunningham from the lobster and Norway lobster probably belongs to this order.