His confessor, Yakov Ignatiev, whom he promised to obey as "an angel and apostle of God," was his chief counsellor in these days.
In 1677 he was appointed interim viceroy of Sicily, counsellor of state and archbishop of Toledo.
In 1671 the tsar Alexius and Artamon were already on intimate terms, and on the retirement of Orduin-Nashchokin Matvyeev became the tsar's chief counsellor.
Procopius relates that Theodoric soon repented of his cruel deed, and that his death, which took place soon after, was hastened by remorse for the crime he had committed against his great counsellor.
In fear of reprisals Antipas (or Antipater), the Idumaean, his counsellor, played on the fears of Hyrcanus and persuaded him to buy the aid of the Nabataean Arabs with promises.