Melobesia callithamnioides gives rise to multicellular propagula; Griffithsia corallina is said to give rise to new individuals, by detaching portions of the thallus from the base of which new attachment organs have already arisen.
In Polysiphonia they cover the joints of the so-called leaves; in Chondria they arise on flattened disks; in the more massive forms they arise in patches on the ordinary surface; in a few cases (Gracilaria, Corallina, Galaxaura) they line the walls of conceptacle-like depressions.
Coral Barberry (Berberidopsis) - B. corallina is a beautiful evergreen climbing shrub from Chili, hardy enough for open walls in the southern counties.
Then there is P. lobata, with fine single flowers of salmon-scarlet; and P. corallina, a native plant, with single reddish-purple flowers followed by handsome pods of red and black seeds.