In November the emperor put an end to the angry debates which ensued in the assembly by dissolving it, exiling the Andradas to France, and convoking a new assembly to deliberate on a proposed constitution more liberal than the former project.
Together with Dellinger, Alzog was instrumental in convoking the famous Munich assembly of Catholic scholars in 1863.
A " primus " was to be chosen indifferently from the bishops, but to have no other powers than those of convoking and presiding over synods.
He abandoned Walker, who left Kansas; and he dismissed Acting-Governor Frederick P. Stanton for convoking the (now free-state) legislature.
It seems to have been due to his Girondist ideas that the Ancients were given the right of convoking the corps legislatif outside Paris, an expedient which made possible Napoleon's coup d'etat of the 18th and 19th Brumaire.