Similar rocks come up along the Ox Mountain axis, and occupy the wild west of Mayo and Connemara.
Massive conglomerates occur in these series, which are unconformable on the Dalradian rocks of Connemara.
As the power station at Poldhu was then fully occupied with the business of long distance transmission to ships, the Marconi Company began to erect another large power station to Marconi's designs at Clifden in Connemara on the west coast of Ireland.
In1846-1847he accompanied his father to Ireland as distributor of the Friends' relief fund for the famine in Connemara, and the state of the country made a deep impression on him.
Following the coast southward, Donegal Bay is divided from Galway Bay by the hammer-like projection of county Mayo and Connemara, the square inlet of Clew Bay intervening.