A number of separate " lays " might conceivably be arranged and connected by a man of poetical taste in a manner that would satisfy all requirements.
In the long history of mankind it is impossible to deny that stories may conceivably have spread from a single centre, and been handed on from races like the Indo-European and the Semitic to races as far removed from them in every way as the Zulus, the Australians, the Eskimo, the natives of the South Sea Islands.
Conceivably these sentiments of Columbanus never wholly died out in.
The negative judgment, for example, cannot be held in one and the same undivided act to presuppose the unity of the real, project an adjective as conceivably applicable to it and assert its rejection.
Among the lighter and more popular works may be mentioned twenty-two books of Orations (probably never spoken), some funeral eulogies (Laudationes), some " exhortations " (Suasiones), conceivably of a political character, and an account of the author's own life.