In the church calendar this event is commemorated on the 29th of August.
He is commemorated by the Church of Rome on the 22nd of June.
All the wild beasts and monstrous creatures commemorated in current legend were to be found in his dominions, as well as all the wild and eccentric races of men of whom strange stories were told, including those unclean nations whom Alexander Magnus walled up among the mountains of the north, and who were to come forth at the latter day - and so were the Amazons and the Bragmans.
Wieland, who came to Weimar in 1772 as the duke's tutor, is also commemorated by a statue (1857), and his house is indicated by a tablet.
The Swedish reformers of the 16th century, Olaus and Laurentius Petri, are commemorated by an obelisk.