It was while working as a restaurant hostess in L.A. that she landed the role as Hanna on the WB's Felicity, where, coincidentally, she met her first husband, Scott Foley.
South Beach conjures up images of beautiful people in skimpy bathing suits, tanned and with rippling muscles, which coincidentally or not, is precisely how many of us would like to appear!
Mykill Aresco , relocated to Texas in 2000 and just happened to move to the exact neighborhood that Orrie Velasques was in - coincidentally only one block away!
Coincidentally, that also meant they were focusing on "...every taut derriere muscle of each female Olympic beach volleyball athlete," according to Theresa Thomas of the The Catholic Exchange.
A list of definitions of SEO words and concepts - which coincidentally happen to be popular search-engine queries for anyone looking for higher page rankings.