Again, the American hive is, as a general rule, set close down on the ground, while stands or short legs are invariably used in Great Britain.
To center the condenser close down the iris diaphragm and remove the eyepiece.
Three years ago, the shock of 9/11 provided a ready-made excuse to close down debate.
In the case of the Gulf Stream, which is not much impeded by the land, this descending motion is relatively slight, being perhaps largely due to the greater specific gravity of the water; it ceases to be perceptible beyond about 500 fathoms. On the European-African side the descending movement is more marked, partly because the coast-line is much more irregular and the northward current is deflected against it by the earth's rotation, and partly because of the outflow of salt water from the Mediterranean; here the movement is traceable to at least 1000 fathoms. The northward movement of water across the Norwegian Sea extends down from the surface to the IcelandShetland ridge, where it is sharply cut off; the lower levels of the Norwegian Sea are filled with ice-cold Arctic water, close down to the ridge.
The epiglottis can close down over the larynx when someone is eating or drinking, preventing these food and liquids from entering the airway.