Greek Ci t ies now arose in all its provinces, superseding in g many cases native market places and villages, and holding the vantage-points of commerce.
The first group is contemporary with the XVIIIth and XIXth Dynasties and consists in the first place of the Tell ci .Amarna tablets with others related to them, containing the reports of governors of the Syrian possessions of Egypt, and the correspondence of the kings of Babylon, Assur, Mitanni and Khntti (the Hittites) with the Pharaohs.
He was succeeded by the principal khalif a, Abdullah ci Taaisha, a Baggara Arab, who for the next thirteen years ruled the Sudan with despotic power.
Kitchener met with no opposition; and on the 1st ci September the army bivouacked in zeriba at Egeiga, on the west bank of the Nile, within 4 m.
Ci, C1 are the axes of the two parallel shafts; Di, D2 two disks facing each other, fixed on the ends of the two shafts FIG.