Blanchard published some Recherches sur les caracteres osteo- logiques des oiseaux appliquees a la classification naturelle de ces animaux, strongly urging the superiority of such characters over those drawn from the bill or feet, which, he remarks, though they may have sometimes given correct notions, have mostly led to mistakes, and, if observations of habits and food have sometimes afforded happy results, they have often been deceptive; so that, should more be wanted than to draw up a mere inventory of creation or trace the distinctive outline of each species, zoology without anatomy would remain a barren study.
Long, long ago, in a game development universe far away, there was a trade show called CES (the Consumer Electronics Show).
In addition to several new tablets, 3D TVs, and other technological innovations, CES 2011 also saw the revealing of several new smartphones.
In terms of the new Verizon Droid phone announcements made at CES 2011, the biggest highlights had to be the Motorola DROID Bionic and the HTC Thunderbolt.
There are many close encounters (or CEs, as the UFO community calls them) of this type.