Catalogue Raisonne Definition
kătl-ôg rāzə-nā, -ŏg, kä-tä-lôg rĕ-zô-nā
A publication listing titles of articles or literary works, especially the contents of an exhibition, along with related descriptive or critical material.
American Heritage
A catalog of books (esp. in a bibliography), paintings, etc. arranged by subjects and with explanatory notes.
Webster's New World
A complete index, usually with descriptions and reproductions, of a body of work, such as all the creations of a single artist.
Origin of Catalogue Raisonne
French catalogue catalog raisonné methodical, descriptive from past participle of raisonner to reason, analyze
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
From Wiktionary
Fr, lit., reasoned catalog
From Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th Edition
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