The town is celebrated for its manufacture of agate and carnelian ornaments, of reputation principally in China.
Of stones that were accounted precious Sinai produced turquoise and the Egyptian deserts garnet, carnelian and jasper.
Chalcedony, carnelian, onyx and cat's eyes are found in New South Wales; and it is probable that they are also to be met with in the other states, particularly in Queensland.
Other precious stones found are chalcedony, garnet, jacinth, amethyst, carnelian, agate, rock-crystals, &c. Amber is found at Magura in Zsepes, while fine marble quarries are found in the counties of Esztergom, Komarom, Veszprem and Szepes.
The gems of onyx, carnelian and agate are later and bear various figures, and in some cases Arabic inscriptions.