Carinthia was given to Meinhard, count of Tirol, on condition that when his male line became extinct it should pass to the Habsburgs.
Ottakar refused to appear or to restore the provinces of Austria, Styria, Carinthia and Carniola which he had seized.
Otto was descended from Luitpold, duke of Bavaria and margrave of Carinthia, who was killed in 907 fighting the Hungarians.
Styria, Carinthia and Carniola were next subdued, and Trieste was only saved by the intervention of the Venetians.
Before he reached Rome, Pope John XV., who had invited him to Italy, had died, whereupon he raised his own cousin Bruno, son of Otto duke of Carinthia, to the papal chair as Pope Gregory V., and by this pontiff Otto was crowned emperor on the 21st of May 996.