Card-of-ten Definition
1561, John Awdely, The Fraternitye of Vacabondes, XIX.
And the noblemen and gentylmen, which shold be the ponysshers of theft, be the chefe mayntayners of robry; bi this meanys often thei robbe & be not taken; but in case he be taken, eyther he shal haue fauor for his masters sake, or els bragg it owt with a carde of .x [...].
C. 1591, William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew.
A vengeance on your crafty withered hide, / Yet I haue fac'd it with a card of ten [...].
1629, Ben Jonson, The New Inn.
Some must be knaves, some varlets, bawds, and ostlers, / As aces, deuces, cards o' ten, to face it / Out i' the game, which all the world is.
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