Potassium persulphate oxidizes it in alkaline solution, the product on boiling with acids giving hydroquiirone carboxylic acid (German Patent 81,297).
On oxidation .ith chromic acid it forms a quinone, C 15 H 8 0 2, and an a-diphenylene keto carboxylic acid C E I-4 3.
Amino-cyclo-heptane (suberylamine) is obtained by the reduction of suberone oxime or by the action of sodium hypobromite on the amide of cycloheptane carboxylic acid.
Adding an acid such as hydrochloric acid or sulphuric acid to the sodium carboxylate would free the carboxylic acid.
An example of such a system is the nucleation of calcite crystals on carboxylic acid terminated alkyl thiols, which produces highly oriented crystals.