When they again referred him to Haywood, he applied to Thomas Campbell, then chairman of a company formed for buying up the copyright of meritorious but rejected works.
The Imperial Bank of Persia, which had already advanced a large sum of money, and thereby greatly facilitated the shahs early departure from Tabriz and enabled the grand vizier at Teheran to carry on the government, started buying up the copper coinage at all its branches and agencies.
If you're going to be adding the leaf to the table, make sure you measure with the leaf in place before you start buying up tablecloths.
As long as there are video games that skyrocket to success (cough, Halo, cough), there will be Hollywood big-wigs buying up the rights in order to screw things up and disappoint moviegoers.
You roam around the board buying up real estate and trying to bankrupt all your other opponents.