He was a native of Berri, like herself, a stern but kindly taskmaster who treated her much as Dr Johnson treated Fanny Burney.
There was not a little scandal about her relations with Narbonne; and this Mickleham sojourn (the details of which are known from, among other sources, the letters of Fanny Burney) has never been altogether satisfactorily accounted for.
The British resident, Major Burney, who had been appointed in 1830, finding his presence at Ava agreeable neither to the king nor to himself, removed in 1837 to Rangoon, and shortly afterwards retired from the country.
In 1769 Mozart heard it and wrote it down, and in 1771 a copy was procured and published in England by Dr Burney.
Alte Test., 2nd ed., 262) suspects a reference to Israel's overlordship in Judah; Burney (Heb.