These two authors also conjectured many of the properties of Brownian motion.
One of his earliest publications gave the complete theory and formulae of the phenomenon known as Brownian motion, which had puzzled physicists for nearly 80 years.
Thus the " Brownian movements " provide visual demonstration of the reality of the heat-motion postulated by the kinetic theory.
Other eminent names of the same school are Anton de Hain (1704-1776), Anton Stdrek (1731-1803), Maximilian Stoll (1742-1788), and John Peter Frank (1745-1821), father of Joseph Frank, before mentioned as an adherent of the Brownian system, and like his son carried away for a time by the new doctrines.
Many bacteria when suspended in a fluid exhibit a power of independent movement which is, of course, quite distinct from the Brownian movement - a non-vital phenomenon common to all finelydivided particles suspended in a fluid.