It is interesting, as bringing out the personal element in the traditional royal seat, that an inscribed sealing belonging to the earliest period of the later palace of Cnossus bears on it the impression of two official signets with portrait heads of a man and of a boy, recalling the " associations " on the coinage of imperial Rome.
After bringing out these plays Terence sailed from Greek parts, either to escape from the suspicion of publishing the works of others as his own, or from the desire to obtain a more intimate knowledge of that Greek life which had hitherto been known to him only in literature and which it was his professed aim to reproduce in his comedies.
Richard Grafton and Edward Whitchurch were the first in the field, bringing out a fine and full-sized folio in 1537, " truely and purely translated into English by Thomas Matthew."
Printing has accustomed us to publication, and misled us into applying to ancient times the modern method of bringing out one book after another at definite dates by the same author.
The originals and the engraver's proofs are of great assistance to the workman in bringing out the details of an illustration when he is preparing it for printing.