In the original myth the Harlungs, who are not to be confused with the Hartung brothers, were sent to bring home Surya, the bride of the sky-god, Irmintiu.
At the same time, these letters bring home to us his conviction that, particularly in financial affairs, it was necessary that local self-government should be carried on under the vigilant supervision of imperial officers.
The reading of 15thand 16thcentury verse in the light of these will bring home the critical error of treating such poems as Burns's Collar's Saturday Night, the Address to the Deil, and Scotch Drink as entirely expressions of the later poet's personal predilection.
Although the legal issues are as yet underdeveloped, this approach manages to bring home the relevant issues in an interesting and informative way.
In other words, the average person will make more money, pay a higher percentage as taxes, but still bring home vastly more than before.