He had braved the storm last night to get her.
His courage, as well as his moderation, was again displayed during the revolution of 1830, when, as president of the parliamentary commission for the trial of the ministers of Charles X., he braved the fury of the mob and secured a sentence of imprisonment in place of the death penalty for which they clamoured.
Thanks to the ecclesiastical sanction of his royalty, Philip had successfully braved the pope for twenty years, in the matter of Ingeborg and again in that of the German schism, when he had supported Philip of Swabia against Otto of Brunswick, the popes candidate.
After a lovely picnic we got changed into our swimming togs and braved the water!
Like the early sailors who braved unknown dangers in pursuit of fortune, glory and the well-being of their kin, soldiers of bygone days embraced the nautical star for its safety and guidance symbolism.