Are you looking to write novel-length fiction, short stories, or maybe branch off into a memoir of your own experiences?
They seem almost entirely to have exhausted their northward velocity by the time they have reached the northern extremity of the great Indian plain; they are not felt on the table-lands of Afghanistan, and hardly penetrate into the Indus basin or the ranges of the Himalaya, by which mountains, and those which branch off from them into the Malay peninsula, they are prevented from continuing their progress in the direction originally imparted to them.
On the 20th of August the Allies, strengthened by the arrival of two more brigades (4000 men), occupied some heights north of Vimiera (Vimeira or Vimeiro) where the roads branch off to Torres Vedras and Mafra.
Two lines branch off from Pietermaritzburg.
Of course each of these semi-detached ranges has a watershed of its own, like the lateral ridges that branch off from the main watershed.