To enable the reader to compare the several groups of Nitzsch with the families of L'Herminier, the numbers applied by the latter to his families are suffixed in square brackets to the names of the former; and, disregarding the order of sequence, which is here immaterial, the essential correspondence of the two systems is worthy of all attention, for it obviously means that these two investigators, starting from different points, must have been on the right track, when they so often coincided as to the limits of what they considered to be, and what we are now almost justified in calling, natural groups.'
The expressions in square brackets are in each case to be taken as relating to the extreme values x =xo and x=xm, as in §§ 75 and 76.
Fiber optic illuminator with focusing lens, brackets and trolley.
After the creation of the canton (1815) the numbers were (those for the city are enclosed within brackets) 48,489 (25,289), the city rising in 1837 to 33,714, and in 1843 to 36,452.
Integrating the first term within brackets by parts, it becomes - fo de Remembering that 0(o) is a finite quantity, and that Viz = - (z), we find T = 4 7rp f a, /.(z)dz (27) When c is greater than e this is equivalent to 2H in the equation of Laplace.