Among other ornaments we may mention hairpins, rings and ear-rings, and especially buckles which are often of elaborate workmanship. Bracelets and necklets are not very common, a fact which is rather surprising, as in early times, before the issuing of a coinage, these articles (beagas) took the place of money to a large extent.
The ornaments are beads, earrings, brooches, rings, bracelets, &c., thickly studded with precious stones.
In the upper chamber, about half-way between the centre of the base and the apex, was a single skeleton, adorned with beads, copper bracelets and plates of mica; in the lower chamber, directly under the upper and partly in the natural earth, were two skeletons, one adorned with beads and the other without ornament.
Ashley's backpack and bracelets were in the quiet, darkened room.
His eyes traveled to the bracelets on the couch, and he snatched them.