You men can use every ploy in the book to get a woman to submit, but if she mistakes that proposition for a proposal of marriage, right away she's blackmailing you.
It is undeniable that the government has adopted the stance of blackmailing the firefighters over the issue of public safety.
A large tame snake with a false human head, wound round Alexander's body as he sat in a shrine in the temple, gave " autophones " or oracles unasked, but the usual methods practised were those of the numerous oracle-mongers of the time, of which Lucian gives a detailed account, the opening of sealed inquiries by heated needles, a neat plan of forging broken seals, and the giving of vague or meaningless replies to difficult questions, coupled with a lucrative blackmailing of those whose inquiries were compromising.
Leo was a scalawag who was at home in romancing Greenlee as he was at blackmailing others to get his way.
During thc first few years of his reign Henry had already been in collision with the ecclesiastical authorities over several such cases; he had chafed at seeing two clerks accused of murder and blackmailing claimed by and acouitted in the church courts; and most of all at the frequency of unlicensed appeals to Romea flagrant breach of one of the three rules laid down by William the Conqueror.