Bismuth Definition
A brittle, crystalline, highly diamagnetic metallic element with a very low thermal conductivity and a pinkish-white luster, used in alloys to form sharp castings for objects sensitive to high temperatures and in various low-melting alloys for fire-safety devices. Atomic number 83; atomic weight 208.98; melting point 271.3°C; boiling point 1,564°C; specific gravity 9.78; valence 3, 5.
American Heritage
A hard, brittle, metallic chemical element that is grayish-white with a tinge of red, used chiefly in making alloys of low melting point and in medicine: symbol, Bi; at. no. 83
Webster's New World
A chemical element (symbol Bi) with an atomic number of 83.
- atomic number 83
- bi
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