Biomarker Definition
A physiological substance, such as human chorionic gonadotropin or alpha-fetoprotein, that when present in abnormal amounts in the serum may indicate the presence of disease, as that caused by a malignancy.
American Heritage
A biochemical substance, as in blood or urine, used to detect the presence of a physical condition, disease, etc. and to measure its progress and the effectiveness of treatments.
Webster's New World
A physiological substance, such as human chorionic gonadotropin or alpha-fetoprotein, that when present in abnormal amounts in the serum may indicate the presence of disease, as that caused by a malignancy.
American Heritage Medicine
A specific physical trait used to measure or indicate the effects or progress of a disease or condition.
Biomarkers of aging include thinning of the hair.
American Heritage Medicine
(medicine) A substance used as an indicator of a biological state, most commonly disease.
Other Word Forms of Biomarker
biomarkersOrigin of Biomarker
bio- +"Ž marker
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