What better place to be a bit more daring in life than on another planet?
Since his current office was directly across from their bedroom, it seemed a better place for babies that Alex said could be born early.
He returned to America in 1840, was a tutor for a few months (1840-1841) at Bowdoin, and in 1842, shut out from any better place by distrust of his German training and by his frank opposition to Unitarianism, he became pastor of the Congregational Church of West Amesbury (now Merrimac), Massachusetts.
Each hidden cove revealed a better place to swim, the water a more intense hue of emerald.
Horses jump them on and off, and in taking them at a moderate pace there is a chance of stopping on the top and choosing a better place to jump from, or, if needs be, of returning and taking the fence at another place.