He contributed largely to raise troops in 1777 to meet Burgoyne; and he served as a captain at Bennington and at Saratoga.
New York protested against the Bennington grant in 1749, but the question did not become serious until the chief obstacle to settlement was removed by the conquest of Canada in 1760-61.
Within the state itself battles were fought at Hubbardton on the 7th of July and Bennington on the 16th of August 1777.
Hoosick Falls is served by the Boston & Maine Railroad, and is connected by electric railway with Bennington, Vermont, about 8 m.
Later in the year, however, he was placed in command (by New Hampshire), with the rank of brigadier-general of militia, of a force of militiamen, with whom, on the 16th of August, near Bennington, Vermont, he defeated two detachments of Burgoyne's army under Colonel Friedrich Baum and Colonel Breyman.