Bate Definition
A vat which contains this liquid.
- with the breath held in because of fear, excitement, etc.
Idioms, Phrasal Verbs Related to Bate
Origin of Bate
Formed by analogy with eat → ate, with which it shares an analogous past participle (eaten → beaten).
From Wiktionary
Verb: From Anglo-Saxon = contention. From Old French batre (French battre). From Late Latin batere.
From Wiktionary
Middle English baten from Old French batre to beat batter1
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
Middle English baten short for abaten abate
From American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition
Noun: From the verb, or directly from the noun debate.
From Wiktionary
From Swedish beta (“maceration, tanning”)
From Wiktionary
Aphetic from abate.
From Wiktionary
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