At Bari, Trani and Bitonto we see a style in which Italian and strictly Norman elements are really mingled.
Company runs a regular service of steamers to and from Bari.
On each side of that great chain are found extensive Tertiary deposits, sometimes, as in Tuscany, the district of Monferrat, &c., forming a broken, hilly country, at others spreading into broad plains or undulating downs, such as the Tavoliere of Puglia, and the tract that forms the spur of Italy from Bari to Otranto.
A considerable collection of antiquities from Gnatia is preserved at Fasano, though the best are in the museum at Bari.
With a view to facilitating the crusade, a council was held at Bari in October 1098, at which religious differences were debated and the exiled Anselm of Canterbury combated the Eastern view of the Procession of the Holy Ghost.