In order to secure the sole authority, Caracalla barbarously murdered his brother in his mother's arms, and at the same time put to death some 20,000 persons, who were suspected of favouring him, amongst them the jurist Papinianus.
Ochus treated his conquest barbarously.
Taken prisoner by Nadir and barbarously mutilated by Adil Shah, he had afterwards found means to rejoin his people, but had surrendered himself to Karim Khan when his father was killed in battle.
In France, it was begun in order to sweep away an aristocracy in church and state which had become barbarously oppressive.
The defenders, Hugh de Bradfute and his son, were slain, and his daughter Marion - the betrothed, or, as some say, the wife of William Wallace - was conveyed to Lanark, where she was barbarously executed because she refused to reveal the whereabouts of her lover.