The many historical associations of Southwark, contemporary memorials of which are almost wholly swept away, centre upon the district bordering the river, and formerly known as Bankside.
At Bankside were the Bear and the Paris Gardens, used for the popular sport of bear and bull baiting; and the Globe theatre, the scene of the production of many of Shakespeare's plays for fifteen years after its erection in 1599.
The " Theatre " and the " Curtain " were situated at Shoreditch; the " Globe," the " Swan," the " Rose " and the " Hope " on the Bankside; and the Blackfriars theatre, although within the walls, was without the city jurisdiction.
The Bankside was of old a favourite place for entertainments, but two only - the bull-baiting and the bear-baiting - were in existence when Agas's map was first planned.
Wattle hurdles for sheep fencing and garden use are available from hurdle makers, but are normally too expensive for bankside revetment work.