They were called Baioarii, Baiowarii, Bawarii or Baiuwarii, words derived most probably from Baja or Baya, corruptions of Bojer, and given to them because they came from Bojerland or Bohemia.
The Treaty of Trianon satisfied the most essential claims of Yugoslavia, by dividing the whole Banat (save a small Magyar triangle opposite the city of Szeged) between her and Rumania, and by assigning to her the whole Backa (except Baja and district), part of the Baranya (forming the angle between Drave and Danube) and the Medjumurje (between Drava and Mur).
Some of the smaller speedboats like the Baja 26 are interesting also if you just want a fast runabout.
Join us on a 400-mile voyage around the tip of Baja California and witness the thrilling spectacle of Gray Whales in their calving lagoons.
The Baja Web site assures that getting rid of the microchip is a simple and harmless procedure, something like removing a splinter.