From Alam Bagh there were four possible routes of advance to the residency, and Outram considered that the route chosen by Havelock, lying through the streets of Lucknow, involved unnecessary losses to the troops.
The place was without importance until 1612, when Shah Abbas began building and laying out the palaces and gardens in the neighbourhood now collectively known as Bagh i Shah (the garden of the shah).
On the 16th the Sikandra Bagh was stormed; on the following day Campbell joined hands with Outram and Havelock, and the relief of Lucknow was finally accomplished.
Meanwhile Outram had held his own at the Alam Bagh for over three months with only 4000 men against 120,000 rebels.
On the 14th the Imambara was stormed, and the Kaisar Bagh, and on the 16th the residency was once more in British possession.