In popular usage "conscience" is generally understood to give intuitively authoritative decisions as regards the moral quality of single actions; this usage implicitly assumes that every action has an objective or intrinsic goodness or badness, which "conscience" may be said to discern much in the same way as the eye sees or the ear hears.
The Empire, for which Darth Vader exercises his badness, grew out of the downfall of a democratic republic, and one man, the Emperor, rules with no constraints on his authority.
The Tower was injured, and a portion of the roof of the church of St Mary-leBow, Cheapside, was carried off and fell some distance away, being forced into the ground as much as 20 ft., a proof of the badness of the thoroughfares as well as of the force of the wind.
Weaving is taught in the girls' school, and fairs are held for the sale of farm produce; but the absence of a railway and the badness of the roads retard commerce.