To the unaided eye the disease is seen as purplish brown or blackish blotches of various sizes, at first on the tips and edges of the leaves, and ultimately upon the leaf-stalks and the larger stems. On gathering the foliage for examination, especially in humid weather, these dark blotches are seen to be putrid, and when the disease takes a bad form the dying leaves give out a highly offensive odour.
It is also considered bad form to include any listing or preference of graduation gifts within the announcement.
You can scale back a little on budget if you wish to, but it would be very bad form to attend a wedding and not give a gift.
Since it's bad form to invite someone to the shower who won't be invited to the wedding, it's best to limit the guest list to close friends and family members.
Cholesterol has both a good form and a bad form that add up to total cholesterol when measured together.