It's good, it's inexpensive, and it's available at all hours thanks to 24-hour Walgreens and Wal-Mart.
The table-land of the Deccan above the Ghats, on the contrary, has an agreeable climate except in the hot months, as has also the southern Mahratta country; and in the hills of Mahabaleshwar, Singarh, and other detached heights, Europeans may go out at all hours with impunity.
The cave is dark at all hours and has 15 meters in diameter and 20 meters in diameter and 20 meters in height.
Not surprising given the the amount of sport on tv, especially the Olympics with events televised at all hours of the day.
But licensing is associated with strict segregation, and it results that the great cities are conspicuously free from evidences of vice, and that the streets may be traversed by wonien at all hours of the day and night with perfect impunity and without fear of encountering offensive spectacles.