Fructification of the fungus, entire and in section; the latter shows the asci containing ascospores, much enlarged.
The hypothecium is the basal part of the apothecium on which the hymenium is borne; the latter consists of asci (thecae) with ascospores, and paraphyses.
The spores are ejected from the apothecia and peri thecia as in the fungi by forcible ejacu lation from the asci.
In these forms gonidia are found in connexion with the young fruit; such algal cells undergo numerous divisions becoming very small in size and penetrating into the hymenium among the asci and paraphyses.
The paraphyses branch and form a network (capillitium) over the asci, the capillitium and ejected spores forming a long persistent powdery mass (mazaedium).