“Free” is an easy word to rhyme with whether you want common or unique rhyming words. Browse the lists of words that rhyme with “free” to find the perfect match for your needs.
Unique Words That Rhyme With Free
While you may have heard of many of these words, you may not have thought of them as useful rhymes for “free.”
- 3-D (n.) - system or effect used in a movie or object to provide three dimensions
- banshee (n.) - a mythological female spirit who cries to warn of an upcoming death
- beastly (adj.) - like a beast
- brie (n.) - pronounced “bree;” a type of cheese
- chickpea (n.) - edible seed of a bushy pea plant
- Cree (n.) - member of a specific Native American group
- debris (n.) - pronounced “deh-bree;” remains of something broken
- emcee (n.) - a master of ceremonies
- feathery (adj.) - covered with feathers
- foresee (v.) - to predict something before it occurs
- ghee (n.) - form of clarified butter
- kea (n.) - large parrot from New Zealand
- lazy (adj.) - slow or sluggish behavior
- lea (n.) - meadow or field
- marquis (n.) - European nobleman below a duke and above an earl or count
- mi (n.) - syllable representing the third tone of the diatonic scale
- ngwee (n.) - monetary unit of Zambia
- quay (n.) - pronounced “kwee;” wharf or platform built in the water
- scree (n.) - loose rock debris covering a slope
- spree (n.) - quick and carefree activity
- Sri (n.) - title of respect in India similar to Mr.
Common Perfect Rhymes for Free
These common words all end in the “ee” sound, so they are perfect rhymes for “free.”
agree | be | bee |
decree | degree | fee |
flea | flee | gee |
glee | key | knee |
he | me | pea |
plea | sea | see |
she | ski | tea |
tee | teepee | thee |
three | tree | we |
Names of People That Rhyme With Free
If you need to rhyme “free” with a person’s name, you have many common options.
Albie | Barbie | Bea |
Bobby | Bree | Dee |
Jimmy | Kylie | Lee/Leigh |
Marie | Nikki | Susie |
Rhymes for Words Like Free
If you can’t find a word you like that rhymes with “free,” think about choosing another word that means something similar.
Near Rhymes for Freedom
There aren’t many perfect rhymes for “freedom,” but these near rhymes can still be useful.
Eden | beacon | bleeding |
demon | eaten | treason |
Words That Rhyme With Liberate
“Liberate” can be a synonym for free and gives you more meaningful rhyming words to pair with it.
calculate | congregate | culminate |
date | fate | formulate |
replicate | stimulate | exonerate |
Free To Be Me
Your personality and purpose can help you choose the best word that rhymes with “free.” You might also like to check out words that rhyme with “world.”