Are you wondering what words describe war? If you’re writing a paper or story that discusses war, it’s critical that you choose the right descriptive words to convey the aspects of war discussed in the text. Discover many words that can be used to describe different elements of war.
Words That Describe Types of War
There are many types of war and warfare. Include terminology in your writing that helps readers understand what type of war or warfare you’re discussing.
armed conflict | battle | campaign |
civil | clash | class |
cold | conflict | confrontation |
contest | conventional | corporate |
coup | coup d ‘etat | crusade |
dry season offensive | economic | ethnic cleansing |
gang | guerilla | holy |
insurgency | intra-state conflict | jihad |
limited war | military action | nuclear |
political | proxy | psychological |
race war | rebel forces | resistance |
siege | skirmish | struggle |
terrorism | trench | turning movement |
unconventional | war on drugs | war on poverty |
Words That Describe Warfare Strategies or Tactics
Wars are typically fought using multiple strategies and can even take place on multiple fronts. Include powerful words in your work to provide readers with insights related to the experience of being a wartime soldier.
aggression warfare | air attack | air superiority |
ambush | armed force | attack |
attrition warfare | bait and bleed | biological warfare |
blitz | blockade | capture |
chemical warfare | choke point | clash |
clear and hold | coercion | combat |
counter-insurgency | counter-offensive | countervalue |
decapitation | deception | distraction |
divide and conquer | do battle | encirclement |
encounter | engage | engagement |
escalation | exhaustion | extraction |
feint | fight | flanking |
fortification | frontal assault | ground assault |
hand-to-hand combat | heavy force | human shields |
human wave | indirect approach | interior lines |
invasion | land mines | military targets |
mission | punishment | raid |
rescue operations | separation | shock and awe |
siege | skirmish | special forces |
surge | surprise attack | swarming |
take no prisoners | targeting infrastructure | torture |
tussle | wage war | withdrawal |
Words to Describe Weapons or Tools of War
Many weapons and tools are used in times of war. Discover powerful terms to describe these items.
aircraft carriers | ammunition | ammunition belts |
amphibious vessels | anti-aircraft weaponry | armored personnel carriers |
artillery | bandolier | battle rifles |
bayonets | biological weapons | bolt action rifles |
bombs | bullets | cannons |
carbines | chemical weapons | combat packs |
combat ships | daggers | decoys |
explosive devices | fighter jets | fully automatic firearms |
grenades | handguns | helicopters |
knives | land mines | listening devices |
machetes | machine guns | missiles |
mortar | muskets | ordnance |
parachutes | pistols | propaganda |
revolvers | riot guns | rocket launchers |
rockets | satellite surveillance | semi-automatic firearms |
smoke grenades | sniper rifles | spycraft |
submachine guns | submarines | suicide bombers |
swords | tank | weapons of mass destruction |
Descriptive Words for War Zone and Wartime Effects
Sometimes the most powerful words for war are not about the types of battles, tools or tactics, but of the effects felt throughout the area where the war is being waged. Explore terms that describe the impact of wartime and being in a war zone.
animus | antagonism | atrocities |
bloodshed | bombed out | brutality |
casualties | catastrophe | civilian targets |
civil rights violations | concentration camp | crisis |
cruelty | damaged infrastructure | death |
declaration of war | democracy | destruction |
devastation | dictator | disabling injuries |
discord | displacement | drafting |
economic shift | enmity | exile |
exodus | expulsion from homeland | family separation |
flattened | fleeing | friendly fire |
genocide | holocaust | horrific |
hostility | humanitarian crisis | human rights violations |
inhumane treatment | leveled | loss of life/limb |
mass casualties | mass grave | migrants |
militarization | military district | no-fly zone |
occupation | plunder | political prisoners |
poverty | prisoner release | prisoners of war |
rape | refugees | resettlement |
restoration | sexual assault | starvation |
strife | trauma | unified state |
use of force | vendetta | violence |
war crimes | warlords | warmongering |
war rations | wartime bride | wartime prisons |

Words That Describe Pausing or Ending War
A number of terms describe the many circumstances that can lead to the end of a war or a temporary pause in the conflict.
armistice | bow out | ceasefire |
cessation of hostilities | collapsed economy | conditional surrender |
conquer | convention | covenant |
deescalation | disengaged | ended hostilities |
ending occupation | exile | exiting |
healing | humanitarian aid | make peace |
mass destruction | migration | peace |
peacekeeping forces | peacetime | post-war era |
provisional government | rebuilding | reconstruction |
recovery | relinquished control | repatriation |
retreat | surrender | treaty |
troop withdrawal | truce | unconditional surrender |
unilateral | victory | withdrawal |
Non-English Words That Describe War
When you want to describe war in a way that has a powerful impact, you may want to consider using a word in a language other than English.
- alalazoo (Greek) - raising a battle cry
- ato de guerra (Portuguese) - act of war
- bellum se ipsum alet (Latin) - the war will feed itself
- blitzkrieg (German) - rapid attack
- entrer en guerre (French) - go to war
- l'attacco (Italian) - the attack
- la batalla (Spanish) - the battle
- gevechten in oorlogstijd (Dutch) - wartime battles
- vtorzhenie (Russian) - invasion
- zhàn zhēng (Chinese) - war
If you’re interested in discovering other powerful non-English words to describe war, explore foreign language dictionaries and free translation resources.
Choose the Best Words to Express Meaning
Use this list of descriptive words to help you decide how to best express what you want to say about war. If you are discussing where a war is set, consider adding some words that describe places. If you’re more focused on the overall tone of the piece, review some examples of tone in a story for inspiration. Whatever your area of focus, identifying the most suitable descriptive words will improve the overall quality of your work.