There are many ways to describe a voice from the tone of voice a person uses to what the voice actually sounds like. Whether you're looking for the right way to explain a real person's voice or to describe a narrator's voice in literature, you're sure to find what you need in this extensive list of words to describe voice.
Positive Words to Describe Tone of Voice
Try one of these options if you're looking for a positive word to describe tone in the context of a person's voice.
- authoritative
- caring
- cheery
- conversational
- casual
- enthusiastic
- firm
- formal
- frank
- friendly
- hesitant
- humorous
- informative
- irreverent
- matter-of-fact
- nostalgic
- passionate
- playful
- professional
- respectful
- serious
- sympathetic
- trustworthy
- upbeat
- witty
Words to Describe a Condescending Tone of Voice
Many different terms can be used to describe a condescending tone of voice.
- affected
- arrogant
- bumptious
- disdainful
- haughty
- highfalutin
- holier-than-thou
- lofty
- lordly
- know-it-all
- oleaginous
- patronizing
- pedantic
- pompous
- pontificating
- pretentious
- self-important
- smarty-pants
- smug
- snobby
- snooty
- stiff-necked
- supercilious
- superior
- toplofty
Negative Words to Describe Tone of Voice
If a person has a negative tone or if their voice is otherwise negative sounding, one of these words might describe in perfectly.
- austere
- bossy
- croaky
- dry
- edgy
- forceful
- grating
- growly
- hateful
- hokey
- insincere
- mawkish
- overbearing
- nasally
- petulant
- sarcastic
- snarky
- snarly
- soporific
- sullen
- tuneless
- unapologetic
- wavering
- whiny

Words to Describe Vocal Depth and Quality
Describing the depth or quality of the sound of a person's voice is a great way to clarify the description.
- breaking
- brittle
- cacophonous
- coarse
- flat
- gravelly
- gruff
- guttural
- high pitched
- hoarse
- husky
- low pitched
- mellow
- monotone
- plaintive
- raspy
- resonant
- rough
- scratchy
- squeaky
- stilted
- strong
- trembling
- tremulous
Words to Describe Vocal Volume
There are many ways to vividly convey the volume of an individual's voice.
- bloodcurdling
- boisterous
- booming
- caterwauling
- screeching
- ear-splitting
- faint
- feeble
- frail
- loud
- lowered
- orotund
- penetrating
- piercing
- quiet
- raucous
- raised
- ringing
- shrill
- soft
- soft-spoken
- strident
- varied
- weak
- whisper
Words to Describe an Attractive or Pleasant Voice
A number of words can be used to describe what a pleasant-sounding, attractive voice sounds like.
- bright
- captivating
- comforting
- deep
- ethereal
- euphonic
- feathery
- fruity
- hypnotic
- insouciant
- lilting
- luscious
- mesmerizing
- modulated
- musical
- provocative
- regal
- rich
- romantic
- sensuous
- sexy
- silvery
- smoky
- soothing
- sweet

Words to Describe a Beautiful Singing Voice
There are many ways to describe a beautiful singing voice.
- alto
- angelic
- breathy
- baritone
- countertenor
- delicate
- dulcet
- euphonious
- falsetto
- fantastic
- harmonious
- hauntingly beautiful
- high
- lovely
- low
- lyrical
- magnificent
- majestic
- melodic
- multi-octave
- powerful
- range
- tenor
- tuneful
- warbling
Phrases to Describe Voice
Sometimes a single word or two won't be sufficient to properly describe voice. In such cases, phrases are better options.
- at the top of one's voice
- barely above a whisper
- brimming with glee
- bubbling with enthusiasm
- cold with anger
- could shatter a glass
- echoing in my ears
- finding her voice
- great set of pipes
- have a say in the matter
- honks like a foghorn
- hurts my ears
- impossible to hear
- like an angel
- like the beat of a drum
- likes the sound of her own voice
- music to my ears
- raise your voice
- sing like a bird
- speak up for yourself
- speak with one voice
- spoken in an undertone
- sweet as sugar
- under his breath
- would cause dogs to howl
Terms to Describe Voice in Literature
Of course, describing voice doesn't always focus on what an individual's voice sounds like. In literature, the word voice can be used to describe a type of narration, language choice, sentence structure, literary devices used, or an author's style or perspective.
- active voice
- author's voice
- character voice
- first-person point of view (POV)
- fresh voice
- important voice
- inflections
- omniscient narrator
- passive voice
- speech patterns
- second-person point of view (POV)
- strong voice
- syntax
- third-person point of view (POV)
- voice of a generation
Enhance Your Writing With Descriptive Language
With so many options available, it's not difficult to vividly describe the sound of someone's voice. Choosing the right words can really bring a story to life for readers. The more accurate and colorful your descriptions are, the better your writing will be. Now that you know a lot of different ways that a voice can be described, discover even more descriptive words that can enhance your writing. Once you've done that, spend some time learning how to better engage readers in your work.