Which part of speech do you suppose is more important, nouns or verbs? Truth is, they're both necessary to create a complete sentence. Nouns allow us to understand who or what's being discussed while verbs put the subject into action. Let's see what a long list of verbs that start with "u" looks like.
50 Verbs Starting With U
Get ready to unwind with this long list of "u" verbs, a short definition for each and a smattering of simple synonyms.
Verb | Definition | Synonyms |
unbalance | to disturb the equilibrium | unhinge, teeter |
unbuckle | to unfasten a clasp | release, unbelt |
uncork | to draw a cork from something | open, expand, free |
uncover | to reveal | disclose, divulge |
underestimate | to set too low a guess on quantity, degree or worth | belittle, disparage, minimize |
undergo | to be subjected to something | bear, endure, withstand |
underline | to stress or emphasize | accentuate, underscore |
undermine | to weaken | corrupt, debilitate, thwart |
underscore | to draw a line under a word or to emphasize something | highlight, stress |
understand | to appreciate or comprehend | intuit, perceive |
undertake | to attempt | assume, begin, commence |
underwrite | to agree to buy or to insure | bankroll, finance, guarantee |
undo | to nullify | abolish, abrogate, negate |
undress | to take off | disrobe, doff, expose |
unearth | to dig up | discover, disinter, uproot |
unfold | to make something known that wasn't | clarify, develop, uncover |
unfurl | to open or spread out | display, expand, unroll |
unhook | to remove from a hook | liberate, emancipate |
uninstall | to completely remove from a computer | delete |
unite | to combine | adjoin, affix, yoke |
unleash | to let something go | discharge, free, release |
unload | to empty | deplete, discharge, lighten |
unlock | to open | unbar, unfasten, unhitch |
unnerve | to upset | agitate, fluster, intimidate |
unpack | to open and remove the contents | empty, unwrap |
unplug | to remove a plug | pull out, disconnect |
unravel | to untangle | disengage, disentangle |
unroll | to open or extend | display, unfurl |
unseat | to dislodge from a position | depose, dethrone, remove |
unsettle | to bother | disrupt, disturb, upset |
unsubscribe | to cancel a subscription | remove, delist, leave |
untangle | to straighten out | disentangle, extricate, free |
untie | to loosen, undo or unfasten | disengage, unbind, unknot |
unveil | to reveal | announce, disclose, divulge |
unwind | to relax | loosen, uncoil |
unwrap | to remove the wrappings | uncover, disclose, free |
update | to make something current | modernize, refurbish, renovate |
upend | to turn something upside down | topple, upset, flip |
upgrade | to improve, promote or make better | advance, ascent, update |
uphold | to support or defend | advocate, assert, vindicate |
upload | to transfer a file electronically | connect, transmit |
uproot | to destroy or remove completely | abolish, eradicate, annihilate |
upsell | to persuade someone to buy more | exaggerate, add on |
upset | to disturb | agitate, disquiet, distress |
urge | to force or push something into action | advocate, appeal, sway |
use | to handle or consume something | employ, exercise, utilize |
usher | to show people where they're supposed to sit | attend, direct, steer |
usurp | to take over | accroach, replace, commandeer |
utilize | to make use of something | avail, capitalize, use |
utter | to speak or express something | pronounce, talk, express |
10 Example Sentences of Verbs That Start With U
Ready to unearth the hidden power of "u" verbs in sentence form? Dive into 10 of the "u" words put into action.
- Doing that will unbalance the scales.
- Did she just uncork the bottle?
- You should never underestimate a mama bear's wrath.
- I cannot underscore his points emphatically enough.
- What did you unearth during your mission trip?
- She unleashed the dogs.
- He unraveled the spool of thread.
- Don't forget to unsubscribe from their newsletter later.
- I'd like to urge you to pray more often.
- How can we utilize these old journals?
Types of Verbs
The basic formula for a simple sentence is: subject + verb + direct object. Verbs express the action of the sentences, placing the subject of the sentence into motion. In the example sentence:
- Ulysses unearthed the ukulele.
"Ulysses" is the subject, "unearthed" is the verb, and "ukulele" is the direct object. Since it's difficult to live in a world without verbs, there are many different classifications. Explore three of the most popular.
- The most common type of verb is an action verb. These are verbs that indicate things you can do. In the examples, unplug and urge are action verbs. They're performing specific actions.
- Another common form is the helping verb. These verbs assist the main verb by adding to its meaning. If you say, "Uriah is upgrading the software," "is" is the helping verb to the main (action) verb upgrading.
- You can also find linking verbs. These verbs don't describe any actions. Instead, they connect the subject of the sentence to further information. Linking verbs are often "to be" verbs, including "am," "is," "are," and "were." An example would be, "Umar was trying to unwind from work when you arrived." In this example, "was" is the linking verb.
Useful U Verbs
What do you think? Will you allow any of these "u" verbs to be utilized in your next short story or poem? They might usurp some of the more ordinary verbs we tend to lean on and underscore your moral or theme even better. While you're at it, why not pop in a little bit of alliteration? Try to pair one of these verbs with a "u" noun. For more on that, check out this full list of nouns that start with "u." Since "u" is a thing of the past, investigate some verbs that start with "v."