Have you ever questioned the definition of a verb? Truth is, they're the heavy lifters of the English language. They take the subject of a sentence and move it forward into some sort of action. Or, they link the subject to further information in the sentence. Either way, a world without verbs would be a motionless world. Let's see how many verbs that start with "q" you can find.
Verbs Starting With Q
Find over 30 of the most common "q" verbs, a short definition for each and a handful of simple synonyms.
Verb | Definition | Synonyms |
quack | to make the noise of a duck | squawk, croak, call |
quadruple | to multiply by four | quadruplicate |
quadruplicate | to make four copies of | copy, quadruple |
quaff | to drink something thirstily or quickly | gulp, guzzle, swig |
quail | to waste away, fade or wither | blanch, droop, faint |
quake | to tremble or shake | vibrate, shiver |
qualify | to meet the requirements of something | certify, enable, pass |
quantify | to express the amount of something | measure, appraise, assess |
quantitate | to measure or determine the quantity of something | gauge, appraise, calibrate |
quantize | to express in multiples of a basic unit | calculate, subdivide, measure |
quarantine | to keep something or someone away from others | isolate, sequester, confine |
quarrel | to argue with someone | disagree, bicker |
quarter | to divide something into four equal parts | cleave, cut, fourth |
quash | to suppress something or put an end to it | destroy, defeat, crush |
quaver | to shake or tremble with uncertainty | sway, oscillate, quiver |
queen | to make a female person the ruler of a country | appoint, coronate, crown |
quelch | to forcibly suppress | repress, inhibit, subjugate |
quell | to stop or quiet something | defeat, suppress, silence |
quench | to satisfy or extinguish | destroy, quash |
query | to ask about something | inquire, interrogate, quiz |
quest | to search, seek or journey | explore, probe |
question | to ask something or doubt something | challenge, examine, interrogate |
queue | to form a line | line up, wait, file |
quibble | to use petty arguments when discussing an issue | bicker, squabble, altercate |
quicken | to make more rapid | accelerate, energize, speed |
quiesce | to become quieter | assuage, hush, squelch |
quiet | to cause to make no sound | calm, muzzle, pacify |
quieten | to make or become soundless | silence, deaden, muffle |
quilt | to stitch and join together different kinds of fabric to make a decorative blanket | stitch, sew, crochet |
quintuple | to make or become fives times as much | multiply |
quip | to make a witty remark | taunt, jest, joke |
quit | to stop doing something | abandon, abdicate, terminate |
quiver | to shake rapidly or tremble | shake, vibrate, pulsate |
quiz | to test knowledge | question, inquire, investigate |
10 Example Sentences That Start With Q
Let's take a look at ten of the above "q" verbs at work in sentence form.
- Does that duck quack all night long?
- Wow! He really knows how to quaff a can of soda.
- I don't know how to quantify that amount.
- Did you see the episode where they had to quarantine Tony DiNozzo?
- Please do not quarrel with your brother.
- Let's quarter that pie since it's small.
- You cannot quell the thirst for knowledge.
- All you have to do is sit down, quiet the mind, and begin to meditate.
- She quilted blankets for her friends.
- You know he's going to question you on your whereabouts.
Types of Verbs
Simple sentences follow a basic pattern: subject + verb + direct object. Verbs indicate the sentence's action. They put the subject of the sentence into motion. Take a look at this example sentence:
- Quincy quieted the noise.
"Quincy" is the subject, "quieted" is the verb and "noise" is the direct object. Since they're such heavy lifters, there are many different types of verbs. Here are three of the most popular.
- action verb - These are the most common verbs. They highlight things you can do. For example, quiver and quake are action verbs. They're performing specific actions.
- helping verb - These assist the main verb by extending its meaning. Using an example from the list, if you say, "Quinn is quibbling with Quentin again," "is" is the helping verb to the main (action) verb "quibbling."
- linking verbs - These verbs don't describe any action. Rather, they connect the subject of the sentence to additional information. Linking verbs are often "to be" verbs, including "am," "is," "are," and "were." An example would be, "Quigley was in quite a quarrel with Jimmy." In this example, "was" is the linking verb.
The Quest Is Over
If you were on a quest to uncover "q" verbs, wonder no more. Although "q" may not be the most popular letter in the alphabet, it's the starting point for some really fascinating verbs. Are you ready to see what you could come up with in terms of adjectives? Here are 20 adjectives that start with "q." Want to query the full scope of "q" words? Then go on a quest for words that begin with "q." Go in with a quiet mind that's open to quirky constructions. Now that you've got "q" mastered, check out verbs that start with "u."