Verbs That Start With P

Updated August 11, 2021
Verbs That Start With P
    Verbs That Start With P
    Aleksandra Nekrasova / iStock / Getty Images Plus
    Used under Getty Images license

Out of the various parts of speech, it's hard to say if nouns or verbs are more important. Let's just say they're equally necessary. While nouns tend to act as the subject of the sentence, verbs take that subject and propel it into action. So everyone definitely needs a strong vocabulary of verbs. Boost yours by exploring 50 verbs that start with "p." After you've propelled your way down the list, pause briefly for a quick verb overview, then peruse some sample sentences.

50 Verbs Starting With P

There are a lot of verbs that start with "p" in the English language. Find out what 50 of the most commonly used "p" verbs mean and discover a few synonyms for each.





to create an image or covering a surface with paint

brush, coat, color, cover


to take part in an activity

contribute, cooperate, partake


to move in front of or go by someone or something

move past, go beyond, slip by


to stop for a brief period of time

wait, delay, halt


to give money for goods or services

compensate, purchase, reimburse


to pull or tear away something that's attached to something else

shell, shuck, husk


to pass into or through something

enter, permeate, puncture


to notice or see

comprehend, discern, become aware


to carry out or fulfill duties or tasks

do, carry out, carry out


to allow something

authorize, let, sanction


to refuse to give up

continue, persevere, keep going


to convince someone to do something

convince, win over, induce


to choose

select, opt, elect


to set down

deposit, position, put


to develop a scheme or program to get something done

arrange, plot, organize


to engage in activity for fun

carouse, cavort, frolic


to give something as security for an agreement

guarantee, vouch, promise


to fill a hole by inserting material into it

block, fill, seal


to motion in the direction of something, usually with a finger

gesture, indicate, signal


to make a sudden, short, explosive noise

bang, burst, crack


to get into a certain position

arrange, model, assume a stance


to have an item or property

hold, retain, own


to display or publish something up in a public location

place, put, make known


to flow or drop into something

stream, splash, trickle


to lavish approval on someone

recognize, applaud, laud


to ask for something or offer thanks to a higher being

ask a deity for favor, request favor, supplicate


to like someone or something better than another

favor, be partial to, inclined toward


to make ready

make ready, make arrangements, plan


to formally introduce someone or give an honor via a ceremony

introduce, recognize, bestow


to care for or maintain something

secure, protect, safeguard


to make believe or imitate

fake, falsify, purport


to keep from happening

avert, avoid, intervene


to produce written documents via hand or machine

publish, write, letter


to move forward

advance, start, set in motion


to create or bring into being

generate, create, make


to forbid someone from doing something

stop, ban, block


to guarantee that one will do something

affirm, commit, declare


to give someone a higher position

advance, move up, upgrade


to cause something else to happen

incite, elicit, star


to suggest or recommend

initiate, put forward, submit


to defend or guard

shield, secure, safeguard


to establish that something is true

confirm, convince, substantiate


to supply or make available

furnish, give, issue


to issue a work of writing for sale or reading

circulate, issue, go live


to make something move toward something else by tugging or dragging

drag, tow, haul


to impose suffering

penalize, discipline, corrective action


to obtain something by paying for it

acquire, buy, procure


to actively seek to obtain or catch something

go after, follow, chase


to press, force or urge a person or thing to move

shove, force, knock


to place something

position, set, situate

3 Prominent Types of Verbs

The English language has many, many verbs, including a lot that start with "p." Most are action verbs, as is the case with the verbs listed above. However, given their prominence in the English language, there are actually a few different kinds of verbs. Action verbs, helping verbs and linking verbs are the most prevalent kinds of verbs.

  • Action verbs highlight things a person can do. For example, if you perform a task, that means you're engaging in an action. If you persuade someone to hire you for a job, that took effort on your part. Action verbs are action words.
  • Linking verbs don't describe an action. Instead, they link the subject to more information. Some verbs, such as the "p" verb prove can function as an action or linking verb. Consider this sentence: "This document proves ownership." Here, prove simply links the subject (this document) to more information about the subject. However, if someone said, "You need to prove that you own this," then prove would be an action verb.
  • Helping verbs assist the main verb in a sentence by extending its meaning. Consider this statement: "Peter is promising to clean out the attic." Here, "is" is the helping verb to the main (action) verb, which is the word promising.

10 Example Sentences

Knowing a lot of verbs that start with "p" is helpful only if you can actually use them in sentences. The basic format of a sentence is subject + verb + direct object, though some sentences are more complex than this. In the simple yet alliterative sentence, "Penelope possesses great potential," "Penelope" is the subject, "possesses" is the verb and "great potential" is the direct object. Ready to ponder a few sample sentences? Review 10 of the "p" words properly placed in sentences.

  1. I'd love to paint a mural on the living room wall.
  2. Let's pause after this chapter.
  3. If you do not participate, you will lose class points.
  4. But, if you persist, you will succeed.
  5. Please pick your favorite book.
  6. Who do you pray for at night?
  7. They are going to produce new music.
  8. Will you promise never to leave?
  9. Did you seriously purchase a new car?
  10. Please do not push your little sister.

Penetrating P-Verbs

Why not let some of these "p" verbs penetrate into your next piece of writing? Let them pulsate and pop across the page as you weave an interesting story or poem. While you're at it, consider pairing a "p" verb with the occasional "p" noun. Or ponder the full range of words that start with "p" on WordFinder by YourDictionary. You never know what sort of alliteration you might come up with! When you're ready to move on from "p," then it'll be time to quickly query verbs that start with "q."