Telecom acronyms are initialisms used in the telecommunications industry. An initialism is an abbreviation using the first letter of the main words in the title. An acronym is a special initialism because the letters make up a new word.
Telecom Acronyms
Following is a list of 30 common telecom acronyms.
- ACTS - Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (NASA)
- AMPS - Advanced Mobile Phones System
- BOD - Bandwidth on Demand
- BOT - Build Operate Transfer
- CAP - Competitive Access Provider
- CLASS - Custom Local Area Signaling Services
- COO - Chief Operating Officer
- DATE - Duly Authorised Telecommunications Entity
- DID - Direct Inward Dialing
- FAT - Factory Acceptance Test
- FLAG - Fibre Link Around the Globe
- FOB - Free On Board
- IF - Intermediate Frequency
- IN - Intelligent Network
- LEO - Low Earth Orbit
- MAP - Mobile Application Part Protocol
- NAP - Network Access Point
- NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Agency
- PIN - Personal Identification Number
- POC - Point Of Contact
- POM - Project Office Manager
- POP - Point of Presence
- POTS - Plain Old Telephone Service
- RAM - Random Access Memory
- ROM - Read Only Memory
- ROW - Return Order Wire
- SATCOM - Satellite Communications
- TACS - Total Access Communications Systems
- VAC - Voltage Alternating Current
Telecommunications Acronyms and Initialisms
Now that you are familiar with some telecom acronyms, you may want to see a few telecom initialisms. Many people misuse the word "acronym" in place of the word "initialism." If the letters in an abbreviation do not sound like a word, then it is not an acronym.
Here is a list of 25 telecom initialisms:
- AFC - Automatic Frequency Control
- ATC - Alarm Traffic Controller
- ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
- BW - Bandwidth
- CATV - Cable Television
- CODEC - COder DECoder
- DCME - Digital Compressed Multiplication Equipment
- DP - Data Processing
- DSS - Direct Satellite Services
- DTH - Direct-to-Home
- DTMF - Dual Tone Multiple Frequency
- EIRP - Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power, the power a satellite can project to a point on the earth’s surface.
- FDM - Frequency Division Modulation
- FSS - Fixed Satellite Service
- GEO or GSO - Geostationary Earth Orbit
- Hz - Hertz
- kHz - kilohertz (thousand hertz)
- MHz - Megahertz (million hertz)
- MiTTs - Minutes of Telecommunications Traffic
- OC - Optical Carrier
- RFT - Radio Frequency Transmitter
- SDLC - Synchronous Data Link Control
- TMN - Telecommunication Management Network
- UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
- VPS - Voice Processing System
Data Storage and Transmission Acronyms
Here are some abbreviations used for computers and the Internet. These deal with the processing and storage of data and the transmission of data:
- BIOS - Basic Input Output System
- BER - Bit Error Rate
- BPS - Bits Per Second
- FTP - File Transport Protocol
- HDSL - High-Speed Digital Subscriber Line
- HTML - HyperText Markup Language
- HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- IP - Internet Protocol
- IT - Information Technology
- JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group
- LAN - Local Area Network
- Modem - Modulator/Demodulator
- PDF - Portable Document Format
- VGA - The Video Graphics Array
- URL - Universal Resource Locator
- USB - The Universal Serial Bus
Telecommunications is a growing field with a growing number of abbreviations. For more acronyms check the Electrical Abbreviations, Engineering Abbreviations and Computer Abbreviation acronym resources here on YourDictionary.