Who says science is all work and no play? Check out these short and snappy science puns for a beaker full of laughs. These hilarious puns will surely tickle your funny bone and light your fuse!
Science Puns About Chemistry
Looking to get a reaction from someone? These chemistry puns are sure to be just the right mixture!
- We're mixing it up in the lab of luxury!
- C'mon let's go! It's time to get up and atom.
- Oh chemis-tree, o-chemis-tree, how lovely are thy branches.
- This is a once in a lifetime photon opportunity.
- Our chemistry teacher tried to tell a joke but got no reaction.
- Can you keep a secret? My labs are sealed.
- How does a chemist explain having a temper tantrum? Sorry, I just reached my boiling point.
- I was boron ready to study chemistry.
- Did you hear me? Acid I don't understand the bases.
- Think outside the Bunsen burner.
Biology Puns for Everyone
Nature certainly provides a lot of ways to use your sense of humerus! From the human body to the great outdoors, there are plenty of options for biology puns galore!
- What does a biologist do with a cell phone? Take cell-fies!
- Bloom where you're planet-ed.
- You're as molecule as a cucumber.
- What did the ghost's blood test reveal? Hemo-goblin!
- Watch varicose-ly or you'll miss the ...
- These leftovers are past their cell-by date.
- I tried to donate blood, but I chickened out. My trip to the blood bank was all in vein.
- Do I have to cell out everything for you?
- The river is moving flowly but surely.
- Why did the skeleton run and hide? He was as naked as the day he was boron?
Earth/Physical Science Puns
Children start learning the basics of Earth Science in elementary school, so kiddos and grown-ups alike are likely to get a kick out of these earthy puns.

- Gravity really keeps me grounded.
- What did the teacher say to the noisy volcano? Stop being so eruptive.
- What did the Earth say to the hikers? If you step on a crack, that's just my fault line.
- What's a werewolf scientist's favorite activity? To spark at the moon.
- She says it doesn't matter if I go to the party, so I guess it's just antimatter.
- Don't go earth-quaking my heart.
- If the fire alarm goes off, everybody jolt for the door.
- Here's my science homework. Better light than never!
- Watts your favorite time of year? The winter takes it all.
Physics-Related Science Puns
Physics is serious business, but there are plenty of funny punnies related to this scientific field. Lighten up the serious study of matter with some energizing one-liners.
- It's all relativity to me.
- I break for fission chips.
- Electricity is charger than life.
- Why didn't you do what I asked? I had an equal and opposite reaction.
- How is your physics project going? It's a hot mass.
- How are you enjoying physics class? Not sure; I'm still watt behind the ears.
- You conduit! It's shocking how quickly joule catch on.
- Are you enjoying advanced physics class? I've diode and gone to heaven.
- Don't let me amp your style.
- What does a physicist say when meditating? Ohm, ohm, ohm.
- Physics is my favorite! I love all things wired and electri-ful.
Kilocalories, Take Me Away
There's nothing better to lighten the mood than sharing a funny pun about science or just about any other topic. Once you've chosen your favorite puns from this list, check out these awesome science idioms. Then, check out some science-related dinosaur puns. Next, review even more examples of puns. Whether you're looking for puns for kids or any other audience, there are plenty of great options to consider.