Traveling is a wonderful adventure full of new sights, sounds, and experiences. But every new moment has to come to an end at some point. Double check the best ways to say goodbye in different languages, as well as how to say good night to your new friends.
Goodbye in Different Languages
How do you say goodbye in Armenian? What about French, Hebrew, or Swahili? Learn the proper way to bid au revoir in different languages, as well as how to pronounce each one.
Language | Goodbye | Pronunciation |
Afrikaans | Totsiens | Tote-seens |
Arabic | Wadaeaan | Wah-dahn |
Armenian | Tstesutyun | Stey-su-tyoon |
Basque | Agur | Ah-goor |
Chinese (Mandarin) | Zàijiàn | Zie-jee-ann |
Croatian | Doviđenja | Doh-vid-jen-ya |
Czech | Ahoj | Ah-hoy |
Danish | Farvel | Fah-vill |
Dutch | Vaarwel | Var-vell |
Farsi | Khoda hafez | Kood-ah hah-fez |
Filipino (Tagalog) | Paalam | Pah-ah-lahm |
French | Au revoir | Or rev-wa |
German | Auf wiedersehen | Off vee-der-zayn |
Greek | Antio sas | Ann-tee-oh sass |
Hawaiian | Aloha | Ah-loh-ha |
Hebrew | Shalom | Shah-lohm |
Hindi | Namaste | Nah-mah-stay |
Hungarian | Viszontlátásra | Vee-sohnt-la-tah-shrah |
Indonesian | Selamat tinggal | Sell-ah-maht teen-gahl |
Irish Gaelic | Slán leat | Slawn lay-at |
Italian | Addio | Ah-dee-oh |
Japanese | Sayōnara | Sie-yon-are-ah |
Korean | Annyeong | Ahn-yung |
Maori | Kia koa | Kee-yah koh-wah |
Norwegian | Ha det | Hah deh |
Polish | Do widzenia | Doh vee-den-zee-ya |
Portuguese | Tchau | Chow |
Romanian | La revedere | Lah reh-veh-deh-rey |
Russian | Proshchay | Preh-shay |
Spanish | Adiós | Ah-dee-ohs |
Swahili | Kwaheri | Kwah-hay-ree |
Swedish | Adjö | Add-joh |
Thai | Laa-gàawn | Lah-gawn |
Turkish | Güle güle | Goo-lee goo-ley |
Vietnamese | Tạm biệt | Tahm bee-yet |
Welsh | Hwyl fawr | Hoy-ull vow-er |
Zulu | Hamba kahle | Hahm-bah kah-ley |
Good Night in Different Languages
When your thrilling day becomes a quiet night, it’s time to wish your traveling partners good night. Check out these different ways to say good night in Arabic, Czech, Japanese, and many more languages.
Language | Good Night | Pronunciation |
Afrikaans | Goeienag | Gwee-uh-nahg |
Arabic | Layla saeeda | Lah-ee-la sa-ee-dah |
Armenian | Bari gisher | Bah-ree gih-share |
Basque | Gabon | Gah-bohn |
Chinese (Mandarin) | Wǎn'ān | Wahn-ahn |
Croatian | Laku noć | Lah-koo notch |
Czech | Dobrou noc | Daw-brow nawts |
Danish | Godnat | Go-nit |
Dutch | Goede nacht | Goo-deh nawkt |
Farsi | Shab bekheir | Shab beck-air |
Filipino (Tagalog) | Magandang gabi | Mah-gahn-dahng gah-bee |
French | Bonne nuit | Bohn new-ee |
German | Gute nacht | Goo-teh nackt |
Greek | Kalinychta | Kal-ee-neek-ta |
Hawaiian | Aloha po | Ah-loh-ha poh |
Hebrew | Lilah tov | Lie-lah tahv |
Hindi | Shubh ratri | Shoob rah-tree |
Hungarian | Jó éjszakát | Yo ee-sah-kat |
Indonesian | Selamat malam | Sell-ah-maht mah-lahm |
Irish Gaelic | Oíche mhaith | Ee-hah-wye |
Italian | Buona notte | Bwon-nah noh-tay |
Japanese | Oyasuminasai | Oh-yah-soo-min-ah-sye |
Korean | Annyeonghi jumuseyo | Ahn-yung-ee chu-moo-see-yah |
Maori | Te po pai | Tay poh pye |
Norwegian | God natt | Goh-nawt |
Polish | Dobranoc | Doh-bra-notts |
Portuguese | Boa noite | Boh-ah not-chey |
Romanian | Noapte bună | Noh-ahp-tay boo-nah |
Russian | Spokoynoy nochi | Spoh-koi-noi noh-chee |
Spanish | Buenas noches | Bwen-ahs noh-ches |
Swahili | Usiku mwema | Ooh-see-koo moo-em-ah |
Swedish | God natt | Goh-nawt |
Thai | Rātrī s̄wạs̄di̒ | Rah-ree suh-waht |
Turkish | Iyi geceler | Ee-yee gedge-ah-lair |
Vietnamese | Chúc ngủ ngon | Chook nee-oo nee-on |
Welsh | Nos da | Nohs dah |
Zulu | Ulale kahle | Ooh-lah-ley kah-ley |
Greetings Around the World
Knowing the appropriate way to say “goodbye” or “good night” in another language is a sign of respect. Keep the lessons going with more resources designed to enhance your language skills. Learn how to say “hello” and “how are you” in 37 languages, or read all about the benefits of learning a second language with a helpful article.