Finding words that rhyme with “man” is really easy because the word is short and uses a common ending sound. Check out the list of words that rhyme with man to find the perfect word for your next poem or catchy slogan.
Perfect One-Syllable Rhymes for Man
In a perfect rhyme, the way the last sound of each word is pronounced matches exactly. Since “man” is a one-syllable word, one-syllable exact rhymes are perfect.
an | ban | bran |
can | clan | fan |
gran | nan | pan |
plan | ran | scan |
span | tan | than |
Multi-Syllable Rhymes for Man
Words that have two, three, or even more syllables can still be perfect rhymes for man if the ending sound is exactly the same.
afghan | began | caftan |
caravan | catamaran | deadpan |
Koran | lifespan | overran |
pecan | rattan | sedan |
toucan | wingspan |
Names That Rhyme With Man
You can also rhyme “man” with many men’s and women’s names.
Ann | Chan | Dan |
Diane | Fran | Georgeann |
Jan | Joann | Maryann |
Rosanne | Roxanne | Stan |
Suzanne | Yan |
Countries That Rhyme With Man
Take your rhyme global when you choose a country name that rhymes with “man.”
Afghanistan | Iran | Japan |
Pakistan | Sudan | Tajikistan |
Words That Rhyme With Synonyms for Man
If you can’t find the perfect rhyming word for “man,” consider using a synonym for “man” instead.
Men Rhyming Words
Like “man,” you can find many one-syllable words that rhyme with “men.”
den | fen | glen |
hen | pen | then |
when | wren | yen |
Guy Rhyming Words
“Guy” might be your best manly word to use because it has so many rhyming words.
buy | bye | cry |
dry | dye | eye |
fly | fry | hi |
high | lie | my |
pie | pry | rye |
shy | sky | sly |
spy | try | why |
Him Rhyming Words
You can also use “man” pronouns like “him” to rhyme with.
brim | dim | grim |
hymn | limb | shim |
skim | trim | whim |
He Rhyming Words
“He” is another pronoun you might use in place of “man.”
be | fee | flee |
free | glee | key |
me | plea | sea |
she | tee | tree |
You Can Rhyme With Man
Exploring simple examples of rhyme can help you come up with the perfect word on your own. You can choose a word from the list, or invent your own “man” rhyme.